I am trying to load test a webapp, which has following functonality

1. Login in app (setting some cookie variables )

2. Serach customer with some parameter

3. Get detail of particular customer

4. Logout from webapp

When i am running Jmeter i am getting status code 404

Any reference or help will be appriciated.

After googling i found 4** says you have sent bad request.

To check what request has been sent i am using fiddler and capturing original request (which is working from browser ) and request sent by Jmeter , I am comparing data under Inspector tab in Headers in fiddler, Is this right way to resolve the issue of 4**. What else i can do to fix this issue ?

Screen shots attached





I think, the HTTP header manager and HTTP cookie manager must be pushed up just before Recording Controller. Otherwise the requests are made without these header or cookie informations.

If you doing localhost testing should in the cookie manager config domain



